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Purchasing Network of lieders AZuR

Omega has been cooperating with Allianz Zukunft Reifen (AZuR) since October 2023. AZuR, Allianz Future Tires, is a wide network with a wide variety of companies, all related to the topic of tires. They all come together in AZuR through associations and sectors to promote common goals with dedication. AZuR is the tire alliance of the future, striving for an ecologically clean economy of circular tire production in Europe. New tires should be produced as environmentally friendly as possible, and old tires should be kept in the cycle through recovery, repair or recycling.

The AZuR network currently has 78 partners from industry, commerce and science. The universities in the network AZuR give a new impetus to the optimization of tire recycling processes and technology through research projects and studies. The success model of the tire circular economy AZuR attracts worldwide attention.