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Ilya Fedotov, Omega's legal adviser: "I help people in resolving legal issues related to forced relocation."

What exactly do you do as a volunteer

I provide legal assistance to the following categories of persons:

- Internally displaced persons;

-Persons affected by armed aggression and hostilities.

-Host persons/communities (on issues related to the assistance of IDPs).

Legal assistance is provided in cases related to:

- internal movement;

–armed aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine.

What inspired you to volunteer

I believe that our country can and should be helped not only by directly participating in hostilities, but also in other ways. For myself, this is what I defined. In addition, I am from the Donetsk region, almost all of my relatives live in the occupied territory, and I understand very well how important it is at this moment to help all those who find themselves in a difficult situation.

What difficulties do you face

Sometimes it is difficult to help people, because there are no appropriate mechanisms in the current conditions and for specific situations, so you have to look for other options on how to help resolve a complex or controversial issue.

What has already been done

To date, my wife and I have helped more than 100 people. Some simply did not know how to act correctly in this or that situation, some were illegally denied the realization of their rights, in connection with which we accompanied and defended the rights of people.