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Omega employees // donated almost 700,000 hryvnias to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Omega// employees once again demonstrate their active position in supporting the Ukrainian military, who daily defend the security of our country. One of the important initiatives was the “Vacation to the Armed Forces of Ukraine” campaign, thanks to which employees were able to donate their days off as financial support for the defenders on the front line.

In November alone, more than 236,000 hryvnias were collected. These funds were used to purchase a pickup truck for one of the soldiers of the 92nd battalion.

In December, thanks to the team’s dedication, 450,313 hryvnias were collected. The funds collected were used to purchase important equipment and technology for the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine:

• A car for the 5th OTB.

• An electronic warfare kit for the 93rd OMB.

• A thermal imager for the 4945 HF.

• An Armer generator for the HF A7107.

• Part of the amount was transferred to purchase a car for HF 3073 TSP Omega

• A tablet for calculating coordinates for HF 2193.

• Assistance with tires for HF 1880 and the 113th ObrTrO.

Thanks to everyone who helps, because only through joint efforts can we support those who defend Ukraine.